67.2 F
King City
October 26, 2024

Window on the World Column | Busy People

Busy people stay busy. And not much alters with time, despite your best efforts to spend more time relaxing at home with a novel, or ā€¦ ahem ā€¦ working on your own novel. As many of you know, I have been trying to work on...

Funny Papers Again Column | ā€˜Letā€™s Look at the Map and See What It Shows, Sonā€™

I was up in the Arroyo Seco Canyon with a friend the other day, we had made our way down to the river, what there is of it, a stagnant pool here and there was about all; my friend oversees the property and we...

Letter to the Editor | Taking Care of Stanton Theater

To the Editor: The Robert Stanton Theater (also known as the KCHS auditorium) was regarded as something of a dinosaur when I arrived in town more than 50 years ago. Almost losing the place due to neglect and disrepair in the 1980s changed perceptions. People...

OPINION: Odds and ends

Local column by George Worthy

Window on the World Column | Saying Goodbye With Peanut Butter

Lucy Jensen
It was ending up as a regular Sunday ā€” for some a long holiday weekend even! Our old Queensland had been struggling for a while. Not running down the meadow like he used to or playing chase around the pool with the other canines,...

Funny Papers Again Column | A South County Scene: One Block on One Street in One Town

Steve Wilson
Some years ago, in a library in Southern California, I gave a book to a young lady in hopes she would find it a compelling story. She replied she had heard of the book but had yet to read it and thanked me for...

Worthy to Print Column: Itā€™s Just a Phone

Do you have a ā€œsmart phone?ā€ Iā€™m not sure what makes a smart phone or a dumb phone, but Iā€™m pretty sure I got the dumb one. I mean, I see folks walking around all day looking at their phones, and if the phones...

Worthy to Print Column | ā€˜Cheersā€™ to Kindness

George Worthy
ā€œMaking your way in the world today takes everything youā€™ve got, taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldnā€™t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name, and they are always glad...

Letter to the Editor | Making Your Energy System Safer and More Affordable

To the Editor: At PG&E, we recognize that like many goods and services, energy pricesā€Æare increasing. Those increases are helping build aā€Æsafe,ā€Æreliableā€Æand cleanā€Æenergy system toā€Æprotect you and your family and meetā€Æthe future energy needs of this community. For example, in the South Bay and Central Coast...

Funny Papers Again Column | ā€˜Buddy, Can You Spare Some Time?ā€™

There is an ancient writing wherein one of the main players, thee Main Player for many, upon His exit from this earthly realm exhorted his followers to ā€œoccupy ā€˜til I come.ā€ So for the past 55 years I have occupied myself in more fields...

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