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King City
July 26, 2024

Letters to the Editor | Published Jan. 29, 2020

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Letter to the Editor | September Is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and Itā€™s Time to Talk About It

To the Editor: Suicide is one of the most challenging societal issues of our time, claiming more lives than war, murder and natural disasters combined. Per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates increased approximately 36% between 2000 and 2021. Suicide was...

Worthy to Print Column | I Am What I Am and Thatā€™s All That I Am

George Worthy
I suppose that today I should write something about how messed up our government is, but I think that would be too easy. There is no use in restating my thoughts about how miserable it is being run right now. If you read anything...

Window on the World Column | Joining Other Olympians at the Pool

Lucy Jensen
ā€œI want that body!ā€ I said to the husband. We were watching the Olympic Swim Trials. Broad shoulders, muscles, I love it! Itā€™s that time of year when people are stripping down, displaying their body-beautiful to the world, heading to the ocean or a...

Worthy to Print Column | Mysterious Ways

You know, when you write a little story each week and try to keep the subjects fresh, there are times when you really have to sit back for a while so you can bring forth ā€” through the keys on a computer keyboard ā€”...

Funny Papers Again Column | Step Forward, Gentlemen, and Step Lively

I have set aside my regular column this week, a little story about me and my dog in Arroyo Seco, nicely told in my humble opinion, but still just a little story; it will wait for another time. What prompted the change was my...

Worthy to Print Column: Doggone It

I have these two dogs. They are a mix between Border Collie and Australian Shepherd. These are the absolute smartest dogs I have ever seen. They sleep in the house, but they are not allowed on the bed or any furniture, as far as...

Letter to the Editor | Valuable Lessons

To the Editor: Josh Riley shared a valuable history lesson in the Dec. 30 edition (ā€œRemembering the Time King City Cross Country Made History,ā€ Dec. 30, page A5). The 2018-19 accomplishments of a small group of dedicated youth, King City High Cross Country runners, inspire...

Worthy to Print Column: Is the Election Finally Over?

Well, we are finally getting some things done. During this period of awaiting for our President to be sworn in, I have kept myself busy because I already know what happens if you donā€™t have some structure in your life. I now know that...

Guest Column | King Cityā€™s Budget and Financial Plan

King City Council recently adopted the Cityā€™s new Biennial Budget for FY 2021-22 / FY 2022-23. The total proposed City budget is $24,087,756 in FY 2021-22 and $18,538,906 in FY 2022-23. Of these amounts, the total proposed General Fund is $8,766,374 in FY 2021-22...

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