60.6 F
King City
July 26, 2024

Letter to the Editor | New Legislation Would Help Curb Police Brutality

To the Editor: During the summer of 2020, many protests for racial justice and civil rights erupted all over the country. Many of these protests were an ongoing series of street demonstrations calling out police brutality and racism that tragically highlighted the murder of George...

Worthy to Print Column | Rock ā€™Nā€™ Roll Forever

If you have been a reader of my scribbling, you are aware that Iā€™m not a huge fan of the computer age. I use it often, but I sure hate to. It seems like Iā€™m always having a problem with an assignment or order...

Funny Papers Again Column | A Digest of Abridged Subjects

Steve Wilson
The following were subjects for full columns, columns I now know will, to use an archaic adage, never see the light of day. The research of these subjects runs to dozens if not scores of hours and each would use up the 1,000-word limit;...

Here is where it all began

Joanne's Got It: Column by Joanne Banuelos

Window on the World Column: Glass Half Full

With the changing of the times and the lessening of the daylight, I must annually go on self-watch alert. There is something about darkness during the daytime that makes me, well, dark. I can get the gloomies very easily when the clocks fall back...

Worthy to Print Column | Our 50th State

George Worthy
This morning when I woke up I was feeling pretty good, all things being equal. For some reason as I lay there I kept remembering Lorraineā€™s father coming by my apartment and picking me up so I could help him clean a couple ofĀ ...

Worthy to Print Column | Pants on Fire

Liar, liar, pants on fire! Have you ever heard those biting words as a child? Maybe it was just a schoolyard taunt by someone you didnā€™t get along with. Perhaps it was a case of ā€œThe dog ate my homework.ā€ And your teacher was...

Are you an only child?

Local column by George Worthy

Worthy to Print Column | Itā€™s Not Fair

George Worthy
Boy oh boy! How many times did I say that as a youth? I was third of four boys. It seemed that my Dad always favored the older two boys in almost every area as a youth. My oldest brother would get a new...

Funny Papers Again Column | Homecomings: A (Short) Tale of Two Cities

Steve Wilson
This column about Homecoming appearing 12 days after the events of that week is not a mistake, I felt that coverage in last weekā€™s edition needed nothing further about the subject, so it appears this week as planned. A bit of confusion arose in my...

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