60.6 F
King City
July 26, 2024

Worthy to Print Column | Happy New Year

I wonā€™t ask you about how your New Year is or will be. Shoot, I donā€™t think anyone is enjoying our holidays when you think about how many of our loved ones have been lost to the pandemic. I have told you that I came...

Funny Papers Again Column | ā€˜Open, Sesame!ā€™ Sez Me

Steve Wilson
I have before me a smattering of paper scraps with an odd accumulation of notes, which will, one hopes, render up a readable column. Also in front of me is the remnants of a very delicious barbecued chicken dinner offered up by King City...

Window on the World Column: Glass Half Full

With the changing of the times and the lessening of the daylight, I must annually go on self-watch alert. There is something about darkness during the daytime that makes me, well, dark. I can get the gloomies very easily when the clocks fall back...

Window on the World Column | The Atmospheric River

I love this time of year, when the ā€œstorm windowā€ opens, the water possibilities increase ten-fold and the population of our desiccated West Coast becomes transfixed by weather and all her whims. ā€œWe are on the storm watch,ā€ the forecaster whispers in spooky tones....

Guest Column | Letā€™s Move District 18 into the Future with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren

The vast majority of American politicians are in the business of kicking the can down the road, with one notable exception: Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. I know ā€œkicking the can down the roadā€ is an old clichĆ© used to reference the arms race, federal budget, childcare,...

Worthy to Print Column | All About the Benjamins

How are you doing? I mean, do you still wear your mask? Did you seriously see that the doctor that goes on TV wants us to wear three? The past few days are almost historic. Some folks from the surrounding areas of what we...

Letters to the Editor for Week of April 5

South County Newspapers welcome Letters to the Editor of fewer than 400 words. Submit all letters with the writer's name and contact information to [email protected].

Worthy to Print Column: Being a Father

I have been many things in my life, but without a doubt being a father was the hardest and yet the most rewarding. My daughter suffered my teaching as I had grown up in a home of men. I guess all children need discipline,...

Letter to the Editor | The Path to a Better Future

To the Editor: Iā€™d like to thank Estrella Cruz for her March 17 Letter to the Editor (ā€œBidenā€™s Immigration Billā€). She explained provisions of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 that can potentially shift the focus of the immigration ā€œdebateā€ away from emotionally charged rhetoric...

Worthy to Print Column | Just My Opinion

Today as I sit down to put my thoughts to paper, I am very troubled, maybe even frightened. I speak of the current political situation in our nationā€™s capital. I donā€™t suppose I need to reiterate the situations that are occurring. All you have...

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