55.5 F
King City
October 17, 2024

Guest Column | Donā€™t Forget to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

While home confinement kept us safe during the worst of the pandemic, good health always begins with a regular routine of physical activity. The evidence is quite clear: Those who keep active demonstrate a decreased risk of chronic diseases and a more positive outlook...

Worthy to Print Column | The Lone Ranger

George Worthy
It seems I missed the deadline for last weekā€™s paper. I could go on and tell you about how I was captured by some of the folks swimming across the Rio Grande and held until Prez Biden paid for my release. Of course, you...

Funny Papers Again Column | Did You Hear the One About…

What is humor? What makes us smile, what tickles our funny bones? Humor is a very serious subject for some, mostly those involved in therapy and counseling where humor has been found to be an indicator of oneā€™s emotional and mental state. But for...

Funny Papers Again Column | The Old and the New on Mildred Avenue

The history of King City High School Auditorium, home of the Robert Stanton Theater, is pretty much known to most residents of South County, and of those who are unaware of its significance they will probably come across this knowledge sometime in their lifetimes....

Letters to the Editor | Published Sept. 26, 2018

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the EditorĀ of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column | Iā€™ve Got a Feeling

You ever wake up in a funk? When I awoke this morning, I had the terrible feeling of doom. I donā€™t know why I felt this way, but it seemed as though I wouldnā€™t make it through the day, and not making it through...

Guest Column | Goodwill Central Coast Celebrates the Power of Employment

Each year during the first full week of May, Goodwill organizations across the U.S. and Canada celebrate Goodwill Industries Week to highlight a crucial mission ā€” transforming lives and communities through the power of education and employment. For more than 60 years, Goodwill Central Coast...

The lights are back on Broadway

Local column by Joanne Banuelos

Funny Papers Again Column | A Few Things Seen When Biking and Walking

Steve Wilson
East Greenfield is not an official designation, but it serves my purpose as definition because I can remember a time when the whole of the area east of Third Street was just about the extent of residential property; and most of that was on...

Funny Papers Again Column | Seniors: Come Learn, Dine, Sing, Dance!

I am a senior citizen. There is no getting around that, no matter how much I attempt to mitigate the fact. I know this because of what society tells me with progressive programs, private sector directives and legislations starting with age 55 years when...

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