56.7 F
King City
October 18, 2024

Funny Papers Again Column | Part II: Will the GOP Take Its True Place?

Steve Wilson
The fact that the United States of America has no officially sanctioned State Religion, but does in fact have a policy of separation of Church and State, means little to Mr. Trump who claims Christianity. A look at his family relations, his actions toward...

Funny Papers Again Column | The Wild Winds Usher in Pyotr Ilych and Walter Ted

It was almost exactly one oā€™clock in the afternoon on the first day of April when the window blinds in the studio began to move and that was the first indication that the Valley winds have once again arrived for their annual blow. It...

Funny Papers Again Column | Disunion, Union and Serenity

For the past few weeks I have been telling everyone I think cares to hear it that if they want to enjoy the Arroyo Seco River, they needed to do it posthaste, as that particular stream is going to die before the Fourth of...

Funny Papers Again Column | Looking Back and Seeing Ahead

Before I get into the bits and pieces of todayā€™s column, let me offer a mea culpa regarding some misinformation in last weekā€™s column. I stated that KCHS Class of 1972 has their 50th class reunion scheduled for the same date as the Classes...

Worthy to Print Column | Raising Children

Do you ever get the feeling that you were born at the wrong time or place? How about what you do? I ask these questions because I often find myself in a situation where a little prior knowledge of a subject would have surely...

Worthy to Print Column | Leaving the Nest

When do we stop being the parents to our children? Or, for that matter when do our children quit being our children? For question number one, I would say we never stop being the parents of our kids, but there are extenuating circumstances that...

Letter to the Editor: Delightful Banners

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the EditorĀ of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Still Carinā€™ About King City Column: Beautification Week 2020

The year 2020 finds us with a Beautification Week unlike weā€™ve had in 28 years. Weā€™re calling it a scaled-back version. Group events like the extra garbage collection provided by Waste Management, the Citywide Yard Sale and the Chamber/Rotary Kick-off BBQ were all canceled...

Guest Column | Remembering the Time King City Cross Country Made History

The year 2020 was not what I and many other seniors had anticipated. A lot more of the computer particularly, and a lot of what was the norm has just gone out the window. One thing I was personally looking forward to was King...

Worthy to Print Column | Running Away From Home

George Worthy
When you were young did you ever run away from home? I had two older brothers that caused me to think real seriously about where I would go and what I would do if I were to ever leave my home and parents. Usually...

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