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King City
July 26, 2024

Letter to the Editor | We Need Solutions to Save Stray Animals

To the Editor: Attention: South County animal lovers! Are you aware that when your city animal control officer picks up stray kittens and dogs, they have only temporary facilities to hold them? If the animal is not claimed by an owner, and, letā€™s face it, stray...

Worthy to Print Column: I was contrary

Sometimes we forget how are motherā€™s guidance shaped our behavior. Nobodyā€™s mother wants to see their children in trouble with the law or school. Yet most of the time we just simply forget and do stupid things that you hope your mother will never...

Funny Papers Again Column | Lost in Transit

This weekā€™s column was about cowgirls and cowboys and their dedication to the sport of rodeo and to the Western lifestyle. It was filled with quotes from participants of California High School Rodeo Association from three districts within the state who gathered at the...

Worthy to Print Column: Another great hoax

A few weeks ago I wrote about my thoughts concerning the actions of our government. I mentioned that I have a hard time believing just about anything they do that doesnā€™t make sense. This feeling I have is that our government is full of...

Saving and losing family pets once strays

Guest Commentary by Lourdes Villarreal, Greenfield Resident

Guest Column | Volunteers Strengthen Our Communities

April 18-24 is National Volunteer Week, an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of kind, compassionate people to strengthen and transform communities. Our volunteers within Mee Memorial Healthcare System never cease to amaze me. They lend their time, their talent...

Worthy to Print Column | Out of the Hurricane

George Worthy
Alas, Dear Reader! Here is hope that your waning days of the dog days of August are filled with light and laughter. As for me and my dependents, the sun doesnā€™t shine as bright as I would have hoped. I had spent long hours...

Guest Column | Diabetes Risk Is Higher in Rural Communities

Rena Salamacha
For members of previous generations, a ā€œwakeup callā€ meant having a hotel employee ring their room at a certain time to rouse them from bed. Today the term is used when weā€™ve been doing something self destructive for some time (perhaps without realizing it)...

Funny Papers Again Column | Enough ā€” Let Judgments and Flood Waters Recede

As a last look at this yearā€™s storms, I mention that social media users have leveled harsh criticism toward the many people who either blatantly disregarded signs or misjudged flood conditions that required rescue operations; some of these incidents resulted in death. To such...

Window on the World Column | Busy People

Busy people stay busy. And not much alters with time, despite your best efforts to spend more time relaxing at home with a novel, or ā€¦ ahem ā€¦ working on your own novel. As many of you know, I have been trying to work on...

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