57.9 F
King City
July 27, 2024

Window on the World Column: A week of firsts

Iā€™ve been digging rather deeply recently to try and find the good stuff in the world. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only person to say that life is currently pretty tough. Coupled with my husbandā€™s illness and our financial stress, the wide open spaces...

Worthy to Print Column: License laws

It looks like we may get a few reprieves from our SIP (shelter in place). Since March 17 we have had to wear masks, stay in the house and not congregate. Walking on the beach or even in your own neighborhood has had severe...

Letter to the Editor: Us vs. Them

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Window on the World Column: Waving across the valley

I cannot remember the first time I met her and her lovely husband. It seems to me that we were friends from the minute I arrived in the valley about 19 years now, so it was a good while ago; and likely at a...

Letter to the Editor: Get the facts straight

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column: I was contrary

Sometimes we forget how are motherā€™s guidance shaped our behavior. Nobodyā€™s mother wants to see their children in trouble with the law or school. Yet most of the time we just simply forget and do stupid things that you hope your mother will never...

Letter to the Editor: Fallen comrades deserve more respect

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column: The icing on the cake

And so another week goes by. Are we getting close to our family members? Have the younger kids no longer wonder why Daddy is still at home? This is really getting old. One day we are ā€œSheltering in Place,ā€ and the next minute weā€™re...

Adventure Abounds Column: A chance to reflect

Garden serenity is getting difficult in the afternoons with the dual challenge of ever-rising temperatures and afternoon winds that seem like theyā€™re powerful enough to give Dorothy another trip to Oz. The morning and evening calms, however, make it all worth it. For those who...

Window on the World Column: The waiting

The waiting is the worst. I donā€™t think there is anyone who would challenge me on that. I get flashbacks to my own cancer diagnosis from 10 years ago. One test slowly crawled to another and you are in the waiting room of your...

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