57.9 F
King City
July 27, 2024

Guest Column | Seismic Shifts: How the 2030 Seismic Mandate is Impacting California Hospitals

Mee Memorial Healthcare System Rena Salamacha
In response to the 1994 Northridge earthquake, California enacted stringent seismic safety standards for hospitals under the Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act. While crucial for ensuring the safety and functionality of hospitals during and after seismic events, this mandate has presented...

Worthy to Print Column | We the People

George Worthy
Wow! Things are sure happening fast. By things I mean politics and the folks that claim that they are politicians. I just sat down to write my column this week and started getting a little concerned. I might point out that if you arenā€™t...

Window on the World Column | The Adventures of Nugget

Lucy Jensen
I returned from my trip to Europe, and nothing was quite as it should be. Somehow the way I do my ranch and the way he does the ranch are quite different. He is what I call a minimalist and I imagine he calls...

Funny Papers Again Column | My Bookish Ways During These Triple-Digit Days

Steve Wilson
Today is day 192 of the year, 10 days past the midway point on the Gregorian calendar; there are 173 days remaining in the year 2024. These days mark the season of the Sun, summer is upon us in all its scorching beauty and...

Worthy to Print Column | Blessings Abound

George Worthy
I have found out the hard way that this Covid stuff is as bad as they say it is. For the last three days, I have been experiencing the worst sickness I have ever had, that includes being shot twice. My personal nurse is...

Funny Papers Again Column | It Takes a City to Raze a Building (Or to Save One)

Steve Wilson
I was pedaling around Greenfield the other day and it is easy to see the great strides the city has made in adding family homes and apartments; new businesses spring up and older businesses are upgrading appearances. Then I got to the main intersection...

Worthy to Print Column | Letā€™s Go Truckinā€™

George Worthy
Did I ever tell you about my pickup? Oh, no need to reply. If I go one day without speaking about the ā€œGreen Machine,ā€ I start to get the shakes and Lorraine runs out of the room. Donā€™t get me wrong, she knew that...

Window on the World Column | Joining Other Olympians at the Pool

Lucy Jensen
ā€œI want that body!ā€ I said to the husband. We were watching the Olympic Swim Trials. Broad shoulders, muscles, I love it! Itā€™s that time of year when people are stripping down, displaying their body-beautiful to the world, heading to the ocean or a...

Funny Papers Again Column | America the Beautiful: From Sea to Shining Sea

Steve Wilson
As I get back into the swing of things here in South Valley, I want to offer up some random thoughts, or comments, garnered from notes taken over the past few weeks both here at home and on the road. The first observation is...

Worthy to Print Column | Happy Flag Day

George Worthy
I mean, you are not reading this on June 14, 2024, that is the real Flag Day. Well, not really. I mean it IS today, but you will be reading this after the fact. Due to the irregularities of the printing schedule, I have...

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