55.5 F
King City
October 17, 2024

Guest Column | Delivering Healthcare With Heart

Believing nursing to be her divine purpose, a young British woman set out to reform healthcare in the 1800s ā€” influencing the quality of care we take for granted in modern times. Florence Nightingale changed nursing forever during the Crimean War in 1854, leading a...

Worthy to Print Column | Nothing in Life Comes Easy

I usually awake on a Monday morning and see what is going on in my life. This morning I got bad news on my phone. One of my best friendsā€™ mom died last night. She chose, if thatā€™s possible, to die on the anniversary...

Funny Papers Again Column | To Vote, or Not to Vote ā€¦ That Is the Real Question

A recent article in the latest Rustler and Tribune editions informs of upcoming voting changes in the city of Greenfield (ā€œDistrictwide Elections on the Horizon,ā€ March 24) and I thought I would take a few inches of newsprint to offer some opinions on the...

Worthy to Print Column | Decisions, Decisions

Do you have grandchildren? I am blessed with two wonderful grandchildren and one great-grandson. I love it when they come over and I can dazzle them with my stories of where I have been and what I have done. I also keep a little...

Letter to the Editor | No Indoor Dining, Not Yet

To the Editor: At the schools, we feed our students breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and dinner. If it is not safe at McDonaldā€™s, Burger King, Taco Bell and Carlā€™s Jr. here in Greenfield and other cities in the county, then it is not safe in...

Funny Papers Again Column | On the Road With Steven C. Wilson

Some years back, not so very many, I was prepared to say that I had done all the traveling my pocketbook would allow and I was content with that until in October of last year an opportunity arose, to wit: money. I had set...

Window on the World Column | Precious Lives

Downtown Soledad on a Saturday can be a bustling little place. Peopleā€™s comings and goings to the hardware store, the barber or the pharmacy. Getting an ice cream or some Mexican food for the family. Normal life is slowly returning. I had a mission...

Worthy to Print Column | A Crying Shame

I donā€™t know if I have ever told you how much I hate seeing or hearing someone crying. I donā€™t mean to tell you that crying is bad, itā€™s just the only thing I can say without blinking that I absolutely hate. Itā€™s not...

Guest Column | King City Tests Out Reverse Diagonal Parking

The City of King recently received almost $1 million in grants for implementation of the next phase of its downtown streetscape plan developed in 2017. The plan is designed to revitalize the downtown area, make it more pedestrian and bike oriented, and to increase...

Window on the World Column | Busy People

Busy people stay busy. And not much alters with time, despite your best efforts to spend more time relaxing at home with a novel, or ā€¦ ahem ā€¦ working on your own novel. As many of you know, I have been trying to work on...

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