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King City
January 10, 2025

Guest Column | King City Begins Traffic Enforcement Program

The City of King has received an increasing number of calls from citizens regarding excessive speeding in residential neighborhoods. As a result, the King City Police Department applied for and received approval for two state grants totaling $102,500 to increase outreach, enforcement and technology.  The...

Worthy to Print Column | Thankful for the Legion

If anyone knows me, they know that I am a veteran of the U.S. Army. I am proud to tell anyone that asks. I also suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I am one of the lucky ones. I found someone who understands...

Funny Papers Again Column | If Fiction Were Real: A Study in Human Emotion

Below is what happens when a writer is somewhat confined to his immediate surroundings; that writer reads a lot of books and views a lot of documentaries and then sits down at the keyboard and just lets the fingers go where the imagination, and...

Guest Column | Better Health and Less Stress With Gratitude

Did you know that gratitude is often a forgotten factor in the science of well-being? Studies have shown that grateful people experience less depression and stress, lower blood pressure, more energy and greater optimism. Some cycles, such as the cycle of violence, need to be...

Worthy to Print Column | Bad to the Bone

Arenā€™t emotions the weirdest things? They can make you feel so good or bad depending on the situation. If you read my scribbling last week, you might remember that my two sons were going to take me out for a night on the town...

Window on the World Column | The Adventures Continue

ā€œIā€™m a traveler,ā€ I brag, as people wow at my ability to whoosh through time zones without a care or jet-laggy attitude in the world. Well, mostly. I remember a pilot friend of mine telling me that anytime you land where you intended to...

Funny Papers Again Column | Writing This Column Is a Pain in the Neck

One of the first things one learns when writing a column is that the title is important; words must be chosen that catch readersā€™ attention and insure further reading. Iā€™m betting it worked well this week; but I hope only for this week because...

Worthy to Print Column | Music to My Ears

A long time ago there used to be a fellow on television named Art Linkletter. He had a show on TV back when I was a mere boy. I have already told you that I stayed at home during the summer cleaning the house,...

Window on the World Column | A Rare and Crazy Adventure

It all begun in regular fashion. You are getting ready to go on a trip; so, therefore, things get really het up at work ā€” not in a good way ā€” and you are putting out fires, like California in summer ā€” why does...

Funny Papers Again Column | Hello Cousin… And Cousin… And Cousin…

My landlord/roommate here in King City has a book that details the genealogy of early families in South Monterey County. He is a cousin in the Grab-Eade-Bengard-Copley clan and that makes for a fair number of cousins at all levels: first, second, third and...

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