104 F
King City
September 7, 2024

Window on the World Column | The Sparkly Glasses

Lucy Jensen
On the occasion of my sisterā€™s 50th birthday ā€” were she still alive ā€” I was up in San Francisco with my friend. I really struggled with the fact that sister should be celebrating her big milestone birthday with the world who loved her,...

Window on the World Column | The Ever-Changing Market

Real estate is not for the faint of heart. I think most of us who have been in the business for a while would agree that it takes quite a measure of grit and determination to navigate our industry for any period of time...

Funny Papers Again Column | A King City ā€˜Helloā€™ and a Greenfield ā€˜Goodbyeā€™

Unless you have been living in a cave, you are probably aware that there is a rather large event looming on the horizon in the form of a class reunion; and not just a small one either. On Aug. 27 the King City Joint...

Funny Papers Again Column | Yearly Orbit of the Sun; Four Days, Over and Done

I have notes scribbled on scraps of paper scattered about my work area, in pockets and various other places I will no doubt discover after this goes to print. But I have enough here for a short column to cap off another year in...

Guest Column | A Healthy Brain Requires a Proper Diet as Well as Physical and Mental Exercise

Rena Salamacha
Brain health is a critical piece of our overall health. Our amazing (and still mysterious) brain underlies our ability to communicate, make decisions, problem-solve and live a productive and useful life. At Mee Memorial Healthcare System, we will observe the 10th annual World Brain Day...

Guest Column | Separating From Stuff Is Difficult, but Making a Difference Is Easy

February is the month of love, and certainly not the time to talk about breakups. But when it comes to separating from all the ā€œstuffā€ in your life, the familiar refrain, ā€œItā€™s not you, itā€™s me,ā€ rings true. Editing might be a little painful, but...

Funny Papers Again Column | From Loop to Loop: Roads We Once Drove

Funny how the mind works. Today I was blankly sitting in front of my laptop with no idea what to write about, tuned to KCBX, the local NPR radio station, when a report from Chicago mentioned the famous circular downtown roadway known as the...

Funny Papers Again Column | A House Divided ā€¦ You Know the Rest

Most historians cite the Battle of Bear Valley in 1924, a confrontation between the U.S. Army and Apache warriors, as the last battle fought on American soil. Our nation was born in The Revolutionary War and withstood wars of varying lengths: The War of...

Guest Column | Monterey Symphony Returns to Salinas for ā€˜Love Letter to Hollywoodā€™

Just 15 months following the end of World War II, a small yet passionate group of musicians and fans of classical music gathered for tea at the Carmel home of Grace Howden. Less than a year later (April 28, 1947), the Monterey Symphony gave its...

Worthy to Print Column | A Motherā€™s Love

This is a story I wrote 20 two years ago. I wrote it to honor my mother on Motherā€™s Day. She didnā€™t know I would do this and probably would have asked me not to write it, but it was a gift that came...

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