60.6 F
King City
July 26, 2024

Funny Papers Again Column | A King City ā€˜Helloā€™ and a Greenfield ā€˜Goodbyeā€™

Unless you have been living in a cave, you are probably aware that there is a rather large event looming on the horizon in the form of a class reunion; and not just a small one either. On Aug. 27 the King City Joint...

Worthy to Print Column | Just My Opinion

Today as I sit down to put my thoughts to paper, I am very troubled, maybe even frightened. I speak of the current political situation in our nationā€™s capital. I donā€™t suppose I need to reiterate the situations that are occurring. All you have...

Worthy to Print Column | Fireworks Are Not Toys

You know I like to start off with a nice story about someone local or something good that has happened here in Gonzales or South County. I canā€™t do that this week because of some reprobates that donā€™t understand that firecrackers and cherry bombs...

Worthy to Print Column | Everywhere a Sign

Is it over? Can we come out yet? Have all the candidates finished telling us what we want or need or what we have to tithe to the campaign? What a long trip it has been from when they were persecuting Mr. Trump until...

Funny Papers Again Column | To Me This Pet Is All Peeve

I had to do it, the time had come, so I walked stoutly to the middle of the Oak Avenue overcrossing and stepped over the rail, took a long look around me at my hometown of Greenfield, California, then jumped to the dirt below. That...

Guest Column | Letā€™s Move District 18 into the Future with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren

The vast majority of American politicians are in the business of kicking the can down the road, with one notable exception: Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. I know ā€œkicking the can down the roadā€ is an old clichĆ© used to reference the arms race, federal budget, childcare,...

Window on the World Column | The Ever-Changing Market

Real estate is not for the faint of heart. I think most of us who have been in the business for a while would agree that it takes quite a measure of grit and determination to navigate our industry for any period of time...

Guest Column | Bill Strengthens ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Policies for School Meal Purchases

California farmers and food processors grow and produce a bounty of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts utilizing the highest food safety, environmental and labor standards in the world. Consequently, the food produced is of the highest quality for consumers and a source of great...

Funny Papers Again Column | The First Financial Footing for Those College Bound

On a Monday evening nine days ago, I was one of many who participated in an event I consider the best thing we do as a community. The King City Community Scholarship Inc. (KCCS) Annual Banquet held in the Pavilion at Salinas Valley Fairgrounds...

Worthy to Print Column | Dog Gone It

Do you own a dog? You know, a little puppy to make you smile or a dog that was bred for another reason than to just be your pet. I am not speaking about the wonderful people that spent a lot of their money...

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