66.2 F
King City
March 8, 2025

Funny Papers Again Column | Out With the Old, in With the New

Well, hello folks, I missed you all while attending to some matters that are all in order now, so I thought it a good time to return to the printed page. Before we get onto more current affairs, let me mention of few items...

Window on the World Column | ā€˜Tis the Season of Gratitude

ā€˜Tis the season of gratitude. I like that season. Close on its heels is the season of giving and sometimes that is also a good season; but Thanksgiving ranks right up there in my chosen holidays. Gratitude is such a simple but powerful sentiment...

Worthy to Print Column | Happy Thanksgiving

This is undoubtedly my favorite day of the year. There are no gifts to worry about and you donā€™t even get mad at the kids. This day is one of the very best days that God allowed us. You donā€™t have to buy presents...

Guest Column | Gratitude Builds a Path Toward a Happier and Healthier Holiday

Each holiday season comes with high expectations for happy, carefree gatherings. Itā€™s all too true, however, that once the calendar turns to November, feelings of sadness or anxiety can sometimes take hold. Beyond major depression or severe anxiety disorders (which require professional help), itā€™s common...

Worthy to Print Column | Sobering Statistics and a Shoutout

I donā€™t have to ask if it is over. I looked outside this morning and couldnā€™t see any signs asking you to vote for someone. The candidates have been very thoughtful about taking down the signs. Itā€™s kind of funny because I can remember...

Window on the World Column | Sending Congratulations to Morghan and the Team

Sometimes it is a hard old universe to still be in old-style media, as opposed to social media that most people are familiar with in this modern world. Iā€™ve been in, on or around newspapers most of my adult life and I still love...

Worthy to Print Column | Everywhere a Sign

Is it over? Can we come out yet? Have all the candidates finished telling us what we want or need or what we have to tithe to the campaign? What a long trip it has been from when they were persecuting Mr. Trump until...

Window on the World Column | Life-Saving Measures

I knew she had been unwell for some time. When I say ā€œsometime,ā€ I mean years. It was quite shocking when I saw her the last time. The liver disease was really taking its toll on her, and she told me that she was...

Worthy to Print Column | Vote Wisely

Well, here it is the Sunday one week before we vote for our favorites. Have you filled out your ballot? The entire world seems to love our method of choosing our own leaders. We may not always get it right, but it sure beats...

Window on the World Column | The Journey Home

My friend from Salinas works for Monterey County and is a proverbial animal nut like me. She contacted me one day and told me that her husband had been working out on Metz Road and the residents there had told him about a stray...

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