104 F
King City
September 7, 2024

Letter to the Editor: The Safety of Voting by Mail

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column: Is Everything All Right?

Is everything OK? I mean no one has gone bonkers about having to stay inside? Of course there are a lot of things not getting done since we canā€™t do a lot of the things we took for granted getting done. My youngest said...

Window on the World Column: The Masked Truth

I had been looking forward to 2020. At Solace, we were going to be empty nesters for the first time ever, work seemed positive, we had lovely trips planned ā€” places to go and people to see, both here and abroad. Iā€™m not ordinarily...

Guest Opinion: PBSā€™ ā€˜Frontlineā€™ missed the mark about our agricultural industry

Last week, PBSā€™s news program ā€œFrontlineā€ aired an episode about Covid-19ā€™s devastating impact on the lives and health of farmworkers in Monterey County and meat packers in Kings County. The stories, voices and fears of our farmworkers are certainly important and must be heard by all...

Window on the World Column: The navigation of grief

It has been two years since my baby sister Rosie passed on to another planet. When some say that spirits fly close to the ground, I have found that to be true, also that they donā€™t fly in the conventional sense. Sister seems to...

Worthy to Print Column: They can do it

When I was a young man ā€” oh, about 12 ā€” I wondered why we even had to go to school. I got along with all my classmates and even liked my teacher, but on a day when the sun was out and the...

Window on the World Column: The books that made me

One of my earliest memories was my motherā€™s voice. I was on her lap and she was reading to me. We were likely in our cottage by the sea with a fire blazing in the hearth. She had a good strong reading voice with...

Letter to the Editor: Demand action now

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column: The lost papers

Do you remember the year 2000? I had forgotten a lot about that year until I had a chance to visit my brother, who lives in Idaho, last week. He loves Idaho, but I didnā€™t lose anything up there. However, it had been a...

Guest Column: City of Kingā€™s efforts to maintain a balanced budget

The City of King conducts a citywide survey every two years to get feedback from the public on customer satisfaction and to help prioritize the use of available resources. The City recently completed tabulating the results of the 2020 survey and the highest priority...

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