66.2 F
King City
March 8, 2025

Window on the World Column | Her Fourth Anniversary

Even as I am feeling sad inside my head, louder I hear her voice ā€¦ ā€œOh for crying out loud, sisterā€ or words to that effect. ā€œItā€™s been blooming four years! Time to let me go and think about more interesting things.ā€ I wish...

Worthy to Print Column | Dog Gone It

Do you own a dog? You know, a little puppy to make you smile or a dog that was bred for another reason than to just be your pet. I am not speaking about the wonderful people that spent a lot of their money...

Funny Papers Again Column | Idiotologies vs The Review and Research Posse

In an age of universal communications via satellites circling the globe when any human on the planet who has a capable device may offer up opinions and speculations about any subject known to humankind it is not unreasonable, given the testimony of history, to...

Letter to the Editor | King City Needs Another Grocery Store

To the Editor: If ever there was a good example of why King City needs another major grocery store, it was Friday, July 22. Folks walking in the door at Safeway to do their weekend shopping were faced with a totally empty meat case. Not...

Worthy to Print Column | Moving Along

Have you ever had a situation that required you to step way out of your comfort zone? Perhaps meeting someone that is important to your future for the first time? Or maybe you are looking for a new job that might be a little...

Funny Papers Again Column | Old School Is Now a New School

I was cruising around Greenfield the other day and noticed the construction at the old Greenfield Grammar School, which is what back many years ago we called the present-day Mary Chapa Academy. I noticed that the buildings being renovated were a couple of the...

Window on the World Column | The Year of Our Content

When I worked in the newspaper industry, the obituary page was allegedly the paperā€™s most popular page, which, in my younger years, I found a little curious. Now I am ā€” ahem ā€” a little less young, I totally get it. These days I...

Worthy to Print Column | You Are Never Alone

Have you read any good books lately? I have given up rating films as someone always has a different opinion. However, books are another thing. Iā€™m always looking for good books. ā€œTo Kill a Mocking Birdā€ or ā€œThe Yearlingā€ are a couple of books...

Funny Papers Again Column | Do Svidaniya, Priyatyl, Do Svidaniya

For those of us who are now in our seventh decade, and those of decades more, there are certain times in history that may influence us in often-profound ways. It stands to reason, then, that any news story which gobbled up precious air time...

Window on the World Column | From the Shattered Glass of Broken Dreams

Itā€™s the call no parent ever wants to receive. Saturday night and you are relaxing at home. You receive the news that your child has been in a bad car accident far away from home and is trapped in the wreckage. Time stopped still...

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