60.6 F
King City
July 26, 2024

Window on the World Column | Go Dolphins!

Lucy Jensen
If you happen to be at the Soledad Pool (or, more correctly the Soledad-Mission Recreation District) at about 6 a.m., you will see Coach Tessa and her student athletes. Mostly I catch sight of them when I am racing in for water aerobics at...

Guest Column | King Cityā€™s Transformation: How a Year of Beautification Efforts Revitalized the Community

The transformation of the appearance of King City in the last year has been nothing short of amazing, and I credit much of that to the yearly emphasis of ā€œbeautification.ā€ It was 32 years ago in 1992 that King City began the promotion of Beautification...

Letter to the Editor | Making Your Energy System Safer and More Affordable

To the Editor: At PG&E, we recognize that like many goods and services, energy pricesā€Æare increasing. Those increases are helping build aā€Æsafe,ā€Æreliableā€Æand cleanā€Æenergy system toā€Æprotect you and your family and meetā€Æthe future energy needs of this community. For example, in the South Bay and Central Coast...

Funny Papers Again Column | Phase Two: Indian Territory to the Gulf Coast

Steve Wilson
(In this issue we continue with the journal of amateur travel writer Charles Bogle. Editors.) Oklahoma has for over 150 years been home to Native American tribes who were forced to leave the lands they had inhabited for thousands of years, and as we rolled...

Worthy to Print Column | It Could Happen to You

George Worthy
You know there are times in your life when bad things happen to you through the years that never leave you. Things that seem to never go away are forgotten when one finds love from his neighbors and family. I have to be honest....

Letter to the Editor | Great Fair Coverage of Short Track Race

To the Editor: This time last year I wrote to express my disappointment that the Rustler had not given the Ricky Graham Memorial Short Track Race any coverage; not one word, not one photo. You published my letter and in an Editorā€™s Note explained that you...

Window on the World Column | A Letter to My Sister ā€” Part III

Lucy Jensen
ā€œDarling, darling, we have to stop! This is my cousinā€™s house!ā€ Car comes to a screeching halt, dust flying. We unload, remove our shoes at the door. Everyone sits in the family room. Boiling hot chai tea is produced in tiny glass cups with...

Letter to the Editor | Another Brave Woman

To the Editor: On March 13, 2024, in Blackfoot, Idaho, a 39-year-old man broke into an elderly womanā€™s home and assaulted her. However, despite her injuries, the woman was able to defend herself with a gun; shooting and killing the man. The lady was transported to...

Funny Papers Again Column | Phase One: KC to OKC (An American Travelogue Submission)

Steve Wilson
(This essay recounting an automobile excursion from the Midwest to the Florida archipelago in the Gulf of Mexico is offered by an amateur writer from central California. American Travelogue Magazine does not by habit publish articles other than submissions by professional travel writers, but...

Worthy to Print Column | They Can Do It to You!

George Worthy
I might have scared off a few readers with that title, but I think it is important for you to believe and understand what I am going to write. When I got out of the Army in 1974, I got a job as a...

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