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King City
May 19, 2024

Guest Column | Access to Quality Healthcare Is Vital to the Well-Being of Rural Communities

Mee Memorial Healthcare System Rena Salamacha
Access to healthcare services is critical to good health. Across the United States, rural healthcare providers play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of rural communities. They provide timely access to essential emergency and medical services, support preventative care, provide education, and address...

Funny Papers Again Column | Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Not Snow

Steve Wilson
We live in a valley formed by mountain ranges to the east and west with an ocean bay 50 miles to the north and a coastline 25 miles westward; a geographical formation that climatologists designate a semi-arid area. By comparison to many areas of...

Worthy to Print Column | Itā€™s Only a Calendar

George Worthy
Iā€™m not a fan of January. I used to be back when I was young, you see I was born in January. Mr. Maker, the best teacher in the world, told me that many famous people were born in January. I used to brag...

Funny Papers Again Column | The Question of Nature vs. Nurture

Steve Wilson
On Nov. 1, 2023, a high school student by the name of Jacob accompanied his friend to a confrontation with another student, the theft of a pair of earphones and a vape pen the week prior the cause. This was one of those predetermined...

Worthy to Print Column | Happy New Year and Thank You

George Worthy
Good morning and Happy New Year! Here is hoping that you had a Merry Christmas and that you received everything you wished for. This morning as I sat down at the desk, I just stared at the screen for a moment hoping for an...

Window on the World Column | The Time for Feasting

Lucy Jensen
Weā€™ve been on the gravy train these past couple of weeks and this train has fallen off the tracks. Going home for the holidays is not for the faint of heart, as far as the stomach and waistline are concerned. I had planned to...

Guest Column | TAMC: Building Connections So That Communities Thrive and Grow

When asked why we do what we do, the answer is easy: we build connections so that communities thrive and grow. As the outgoing Chair of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) Board of Directors, I would like to share what the agency...

Funny Papers Again Column | A Look at Calendars Old and New

Steve Wilson
As the first column of a new year on the olā€™ Gregorian Calendar, one could hold the expectation that the tradition of making resolutions, presumably of personal betterment, containing a goal or goals. The history of this tradition is fascinating, and if you are...

Worthy to Print Column | How Was Your Christmas?

George Worthy
I donā€™t know if I will see you or speak to you before Good Old Santa comes sliding down the chimney. I like to tell folks ā€œMerry Christmasā€ during this holiday. I sometimes forget to say it if the conversation is short. But most of...

Funny Papers Again Column | A Long Look Back: A Seniorā€™s Prerogative

Steve Wilson
For those of us with multiple decades behind us as we continue our personal journeys toward some inevitable end, it seems the compulsion increases to reminisce about the time known as the Holiday Season. Or maybe it is just me. How the marked days at...

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