58.4 F
King City
October 17, 2024

Worthy to Print Column: They can do it

When I was a young man ā€” oh, about 12 ā€” I wondered why we even had to go to school. I got along with all my classmates and even liked my teacher, but on a day when the sun was out and the...

Window on the World Column: The books that made me

One of my earliest memories was my motherā€™s voice. I was on her lap and she was reading to me. We were likely in our cottage by the sea with a fire blazing in the hearth. She had a good strong reading voice with...

Letter to the Editor: Demand action now

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column: The lost papers

Do you remember the year 2000? I had forgotten a lot about that year until I had a chance to visit my brother, who lives in Idaho, last week. He loves Idaho, but I didnā€™t lose anything up there. However, it had been a...

Guest Column: City of Kingā€™s efforts to maintain a balanced budget

The City of King conducts a citywide survey every two years to get feedback from the public on customer satisfaction and to help prioritize the use of available resources. The City recently completed tabulating the results of the 2020 survey and the highest priority...

Worthy to Print Column: Always darkest before the dawn

I had to go to South San Francisco on business yesterday. It was really hot while I was up there. Not something I have seen often. Usually there is a breeze off the ocean where my customer has his plant. But it was missing...

Window on the World Column: Make good memories

I hate the Fourth of July, America's birthday, Independence Day and all that. There, Iā€™ve said it. I even said it out loud, as I hummed, alternatively, ā€œStar Spangled Bannerā€ and ā€œWe are the Champions.ā€ Then a wartime mortar comes flying over my head...

Worthy to Print Column: Growing up

I was afraid I was going to have to write about my broken heart today. I had been watching all the hooligans run wild and could not figure out how even the most frightened politician could be seen back in their district with all...

Window on the World Column: Forever is a very long time

What becomes of a broken heart? In the olden days, when romantic liaisons fell apart, ladies would return home quietly to lick their wounds in private, take care of elderly relatives, or forever wear black, in mourning for the life they had wanted and...

Worthy to Print Column: I had an epiphany

Have you noticed that we have a bunch of folks that have too much time on their hands? It wouldnā€™t be so bad if they used this extra time to do something good, but they seem hell-bent to destroy neighborhoods. By the way, they...

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