58.8 F
King City
January 6, 2025

Window on the World Column | Remodeling My Attitude

I work with houses all the time ā€” empty and full. ā€œItā€™s much easier to sell if the house is empty,ā€ I hear myself say over and over to potential listing clients. No dealing with sellers and access; no having to climb over Aunt...

Guest Column | Donā€™t Forget to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

While home confinement kept us safe during the worst of the pandemic, good health always begins with a regular routine of physical activity. The evidence is quite clear: Those who keep active demonstrate a decreased risk of chronic diseases and a more positive outlook...

Funny Papers Again Column | On the Wings of Time Grief Flies Away

We all have what we nostalgically refer to as our ā€œhometown,ā€ that place where we spent maybe not the most years of our lives but surely the years we recall with sharpest memory; and as decade follows decade the people and places we knew...

Worthy to Print Column | The Bonds of Brotherhood

I woke up the other day to my phone making sounds that announce a new text had come in since I last checked. I usually turn my phone off at night. I have never got a good result if it is a nighttime call,...

Window on the World Column | The Masks Are Coming Off

The masks are coming off people; and what is apparent is what is underneath isnā€™t always that pretty. No one has been to the dentist in forever, beards are growing on the women and, even sadder, people have been hiding behind their masks for...

Funny Papers Again Column | This Is the Best Thing We Do ā€¦ This Is Our Finest Hour

I uttered those words last Thursday evening from an outdoor stage during an event that, for me, is THE event of the year: The King City Community Scholarship Foundation Inc. Drive-In Banquet. Unlike fundraiser events where the goal is to enlarge the coffers of...

Worthy to Print Column | Patience Is a Virtue

What is patience? In my handy College Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary, patience is described as ā€œThe act of waiting calmly for someone or something.ā€ Now that we know what it is, can anyone tell me if you have patience? I used to have a...

Letter to the Editor | 4-H Community Perseveres With Online Events

To the Editor: During Covid, a lot has had to be put on hold for clubs of all sorts. Lockwood 4-H has had to feel the burn, but despite it, events have managed to still be organized. Over the course of the past three months, Lockwood...

Adventure Abounds Column | Adapting in Place

Iā€™m excited to announce Sol Treasures is hosting a gallery of my photojournalism, and a meet the artist evening will happen this Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. The exhibit is titled, ā€œThrough the Lens, Adapting in Place,ā€ and covers how the residents of...

Funny Papers Again Column | Broken Ground Does Not a Groundbreaking Make

While not referring to any particular county supervisor in last weekā€™s Funny Papers, I did address the board in general with hopes some public remarks would be forthcoming regarding the continued closure of San Lorenzo Park. I now want to address some specific remarks...

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