104 F
King City
September 7, 2024

Worthy to Print Column | Music to My Ears

A long time ago there used to be a fellow on television named Art Linkletter. He had a show on TV back when I was a mere boy. I have already told you that I stayed at home during the summer cleaning the house,...

Window on the World Column | A Rare and Crazy Adventure

It all begun in regular fashion. You are getting ready to go on a trip; so, therefore, things get really het up at work ā€” not in a good way ā€” and you are putting out fires, like California in summer ā€” why does...

Funny Papers Again Column | Hello Cousin… And Cousin… And Cousin…

My landlord/roommate here in King City has a book that details the genealogy of early families in South Monterey County. He is a cousin in the Grab-Eade-Bengard-Copley clan and that makes for a fair number of cousins at all levels: first, second, third and...

Letter to the Editor | Taking Care of Stanton Theater

To the Editor: The Robert Stanton Theater (also known as the KCHS auditorium) was regarded as something of a dinosaur when I arrived in town more than 50 years ago. Almost losing the place due to neglect and disrepair in the 1980s changed perceptions. People...

Worthy to Print Column | Do Your Own Research

Iā€™m not a doctor. I donā€™t even play one on television. However, I have gained a little medical information lately about specific medical maladies that could affect all of us. Now you take this Covid stuff ā€” and I truly mean you take it,...

Funny Papers Again Column | Row, Row, Row Your Boat Gently Down a Musical Stream

At the present moment I am, to put it poetically, ā€œfar from the madding crowd,ā€ I donā€™t even know who is headed to the World Series as ā€œseeking the sounds of silenceā€; practically speaking, I am a ways up the Arroyo Seco Canyon sans...

Worthy to Print Column | Just Write About It

Iā€™m sure you remember that my bride and I invited her mother to come live with us. It was a very fortunate gesture on our part, as she has brightened up our days and stimulated the conversation. I love to tell her how difficult...

Window on the World Column | The Atmospheric River

I love this time of year, when the ā€œstorm windowā€ opens, the water possibilities increase ten-fold and the population of our desiccated West Coast becomes transfixed by weather and all her whims. ā€œWe are on the storm watch,ā€ the forecaster whispers in spooky tones....

Funny Papers Again Column | KCHS Swag and Cringe: Kudos and Calamity

What? You donā€™t know the present use of the words ā€œswagā€ and ā€œcringeā€? Well, I didnā€™t either until I read it in context in an article in the newest issue of The Mustang Legacy, the King City High School student publication. At the present...

Guest Column | Keeping Our Focus on Health, Safety

If you live in South Monterey County, you are among more than 60 million rural Americans. American Community Survey statistics show that Maine and Vermont have the highest proportions of population living in rural areas (about 61%) while California has the lowest (4.9%).  If youā€™ve...

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