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King City
March 8, 2025

Guest Column | Letā€™s Not Neglect Our Real Hearts This February

Rena Salamacha
We all live in a brainiac world, to be sure, but the heart remains the emotional, spiritual center of our being. Itā€™s still such a symbol of love and emotion, with our language sprinkled with metaphors invoking the heart as the source of empathy,...

Worthy to Print Column | Pants on Fire

Liar, liar, pants on fire! Have you ever heard those biting words as a child? Maybe it was just a schoolyard taunt by someone you didnā€™t get along with. Perhaps it was a case of ā€œThe dog ate my homework.ā€ And your teacher was...

Window on the World Column | The Soup Diaries ā€” A Work of Love

Lucy Jensen
Thereā€™s something about being an author that is very addictive. Sometimes you can be midway through the tedious proofing of a manuscript ā€” most writersā€™ least favorite thing ā€” and already be working on the plot for the next book. Sometimes ā€” as is the...

Funny Papers Again Column | America as Hostage: But Who Holds the Gun?

It is 3 a.m., this column will run Feb. 1, one week from this morning. According to statistics from 2020, by that date 868 people in the United States will have died from gun violence. Now that you see where this is heading, you...

Worthy to Print Column | Staying Up All Night

Did you get to see the blowout by the Eagles? My beautiful bride and I watched it until we started to think it was a lost cause and then we took a little nap. After the game, I took out the trash. It was...

Funny Papers Again Column | Enough ā€” Let Judgments and Flood Waters Recede

As a last look at this yearā€™s storms, I mention that social media users have leveled harsh criticism toward the many people who either blatantly disregarded signs or misjudged flood conditions that required rescue operations; some of these incidents resulted in death. To such...

Worthy to Print Column | Cold Enough for You?

It sure is cold enough for me. This morning I had to get up early to go to a dentist appointment over in Monterey. When the old alarm clock said, ā€œItā€™s time to get up,ā€ I just pulled the covers up and said to...

Guest Column | New Year Could Mean a New You Through ā€˜Fresh Start Effectā€™

Rena Salamacha
For many of us, the new year represents a fresh start, and that is a concept that holds a lot of power. Hitting our internal ā€œresetā€ button on Jan. 1 gives us the mental clarity and internal incentive to put our best foot forward...

Funny Papers Again Column | Sadness and Gladness in Stormy Weather

ā€œIt must first be said that with increased residential and agricultural use and improved water management, flood concern is not what it was a few decades back.ā€ Regarding the above statement, if I can be forgiven for using baseball metaphors at the height of football...

Letter to the Editor | Time to Build Long-Proposed Lake Tunnel

To the Editor: During the last two days of rain, it was announced that the rapidly filling dam at Lake Nacimiento had to release water into the rising Salinas River. This could have been avoided and that water saved if the long-proposed tunnel to connect...

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