To the Editor:

I’m writing to encourage King City voters to vote YES on Measure T on the Nov. 5 ballot.

Measure T is an effort to increase our city sales tax by one-half cent, bringing us in line with most other cities in Monterey County. Currently, when anyone pays sales tax here, they are charged 8.75%, while other cities charge 9.25%, except for Gonzales (which also has a measure on the ballot to bring that city’s sales tax rate to 9.25%).

A half-cent increase is expected to bring an estimated $1.2 million to King City annually for 12 years. That would be money that could be used to improve streets, add police resource officers to our schools and city patrol and repair and upgrade our parks and recreation center.

I have long believed that sales tax is the most fair tax because everyone pays, including the many travelers who use our fast food restaurants and gas stations.

I have watched with amazement the improvements to King City in the last nine years, much of which has been helped by grants. We’ve seen our downtown landscaping proved, new streetscape with decorative crosswalks, murals adorning blank walls, wind art added, and the front of businesses improved with paint and signage. I’ve heard numerous compliments about the changes.

This is all so different from the King City I found 47 years ago, when I came as a young newspaper reporter. Those of you around then may remember dilapidated businesses like The Den and Town Club on the 200 block of Broadway on the north side. What a transformation!

The current city council and staff have worked hard to steer our city through some tough times. They have been dedicated to improving safety with added security cameras. They have been frugal in paying down debt and planning for the future. They have been committed to recreation and opportunities for programming for youth and providing adequate staff to care for our parks and facilities.

I understand that these are tough times financially for families and senior citizens. Given the choice, no one wants higher taxes, but I believe this is an opportunity to invest in improving the quality of our lives in our rural community.

Please join me and my husband, John Jernigan, in voting YES on Measure T to keep King City moving forward with good things for our future.

Karen Jernigan
King City

Editor’s Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should include the writer’s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited for length, clarity and libel. Send letters via email to [email protected].

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