KING CITY — Dancers from Baile Folklórico were among the performers Sunday during King City’s El Grito Celebration, an annual tradition marking the anniversary of the Grito de Dolores — a call to arms that initiated the Mexican War of Independence.
Sponsored by the King City Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, the Sept. 15 festivities kicked off that morning with a parade along Broadway Street, followed by an afternoon fiesta at Town Square featuring food and live entertainment.
“It was a complete privilege to give the Grito in King City today,” said Monterey County Supervisor Chris Lopez on social media. “A call to the struggle for independence in Mexico, today marks the beginning of the struggle for self determination. The closely intermingled economies, cultures and futures of our countries makes today an important one to remember and honor.”
The vibrant event commemorates the historic struggle for independence and celebrates Mexican culture and heritage.
“We recognized Josiah Cuevas as the communities rising star and gave the lifetime pride award to Verenice Amezcua. They represent the importance of remembering and honoring our culture and roots. Josiah is planning to serve our country in the Armed Services,” Lopez added. “Thank you to Mayor Mike Lebarre for joining me in this ceremony and a huge shoutout to @kingcitychamber for bringing back this important event.”