MONTEREY COUNTY — The Housing Authority of the County of Monterey (HACM) has received copies of misleading ads circulating on social media platforms, luring individuals with promises of “Affordable Housing Programs” or similar enticing titles.

One advertisement stated, “Section 8 Waiting List Now Accepting Applications” April 10 through April 30, 2024, which is false. The Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) waiting list for Monterey County was closed during this time period.
The advertisements are being posted by a non-government company that is not affiliated with HACM. These ads aim to deceive people into clicking malicious links to obtain your personal information and HACM is warning the public to beware.
“Any communication from the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey about Section 8 will have our logo and contact information,” stated Zulieka Boykin, executive director for HACM. “Each housing agency operates independently and will provide specific information tailored to your region. If you are not hearing about the Section 8 program wait list directly from your local Housing Authority Agency, it is likely a scam. Always go to trusted sources for information on housing assistance and be skeptical of generic posts.”
When HACM announces the opening of the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) wait list, the information is posted in local newspapers and will be listed on the HACM website