Lettuce on Greenfieldā€™s north side sits under the sun, with the Chalone Peaks visible in the distance. (Sean Roney/Staff)
Cris McKee (left) leads the caravan of teachers during King Cityā€™s Teacher Parade last Friday, while Carlos Victoria directs traffic from his motorcycle. The three-hour event traveled through town in order for teachers and students to communicate how much they missed each other. (Photo by Sean Roney)

Outdoor dining tables at Carlā€™s Jr. in Greenfield are sealed up in order to follow social distancing guidelines, and to comply with county and state orders to not have dine-in service. (Photo by Sean Roney)

Soledad High Schoolā€™s parking lot is empty during a weekday afternoon, which if not for statewide school shutdowns, would be filled with cars. (Photo by Sean Roney)

Twin wind turbines spin over Gonzales as storm clouds move in above the Salinas Valley. (Photo by Sean Roney)

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