66.2 F
King City
March 8, 2025

Funny Papers Again Column | It Is Not About the Writer, but the Writerā€™s Intent

Steve Wilson
The comment, often offered as criticism, that for writers of columns it is ā€œall about themā€ and so of little value beyond opinion, which we all have. Very true. If you regularly read Lucyā€™s stuff up in Soledad or every Wednesday in Gonzales you...

Letter to the Editor | Vote YES on Measure T for a Brighter Future in King City

To the Editor: Iā€™m writing to encourage King City voters to vote YES on Measure T on the Nov. 5 ballot. Measure T is an effort to increase our city sales tax by one-half cent, bringing us in line with most other cities in Monterey County. Currently,...

Worthy to Print Column | Memories of Beaujolais

George Worthy
What is going on with our weather? I buy a new jacket and then the sun comes out like the fires of you know where. I love the warm weather, but it has to follow the rules. This out of sync weather plays the...

Window on the World Column | Mapping to Cowboy Country

Lucy Jensen
You cannot be in Idaho without thinking potato. For most of the uninformed world, that is its claim to fame. We noted on the map that husbandā€™s tribe, The Blackfoot or Blackfeet tribe, had their own town of Blackfoot on our route and, not...

Guest Column | Embracing Vitality: Essential Tips for Lifelong Health and Wellness

Mee Memorial Healthcare System Rena Salamacha
September is Healthy Aging Month, an ideal time to celebrate the positive aspects of aging and focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle that allows us to thrive at every age and stage of life. Healthy aging isnā€™t just about living longer; it's about fully enjoying...

Funny Papers Again Column | Thoughts and Words From Sources Known and Unknown

Steve Wilson
The good and bad aspects of choosing a title line (see above) for a column is once up there, the writer is bound to it throughout the piece. If the writer adheres to the subject of the title throughout all is well, but if...

Letter to the Editor | King City in Bloom Urges Voters to Support Measure T

To the Editor: King City in Bloom urges you to vote yes on Measure T on Nov. 5. This is a 1/2-cent tax on sales that will apply to travelers as well as residents. In that way, the cost is spread to the people who...

Window on the World Column | Mapping Through Nevada and Into Idaho

Lucy Jensen
Crossing Nevada is similar to my memory of crossing Texas. It goes on forever. And just when you think it has to end, it carries on. Acres of mining, solar panels and corrections. Electricity poles line the freeway for miles, as if there were...

Guest Column | Cal State Monterey Bay Will Drive Future of Ag Technology

Cal State Monterey Bay had an exciting start to the semester with the first students entering our new mechatronic engineering program ā€” which combines mechanical, electrical, software and systems engineering skills ā€” and the project launch of our Edward ā€œTedā€ Taylor Science and Engineering...

Funny Papers Again Column | Final Words for One You Love, a Very Tough Assignment

Steve Wilson
Some 30-plus years ago I was employed by what was then known as the Greenfield News, we now know it as one of the triune Salinas Valley Tribune editions, which include the once Gonzales Tribune and Soledad Bee. The title Editor included citywide reportorial...

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