KING CITY — King City High varsity boys cross country team placed three runners in the top 10 and five runners in the top 12 to win the Gabilan Division 30-47 over the Pacific Grove Breakers.
Mario Avila was the divisional winner in a time of 16:34 and Ricardo Diaz was second in a time of 16:44 to pace the Mustangs.
Rounding out the Mustang team were Esteban Deniz (fourth place, 16:51); Oscar Delgado (11th place, 17:27); Mario Calderon (12th place, 17:30); Josh Riley (17th place, 17:52); and Julio Martinez (47th place, 20:10).
Greenfield placed sixth in the Gabilan Division and was led by Daniel Pantoja’s 10th-place finish in a time of 17:27.
Other Greenfield runners were: Jose Luis De Jesus (23rd, 18:05); Ricardo Ortiz (25th, 18:12); Kleverson Pena (31st, 18:30); Isaias Solorio (34th, 18:36); Luis Martinez (38th, 18:58); and Jonathan Picazo (43rd, 19:33).