King City Police Chief James Hunt (from left), Detective Daisy Gurley, Sgt. Joshue Partida and Capt. Robert Masterson gather after the special award presentation Nov. 12. (KCPD)

KING CITY — King City Police Sgt. Joshue Partida and Detective Daisy Gurley have been awarded the department’s Medal of Commendation for their work in solving the quadruple homicide that occurred earlier this year.

“Their hard work, dedication and the countless hours spent on the investigation led to multiple arrests in this terrible and senseless tragedy,” said King City Police Chief James Hunt. “We are forever grateful for their efforts.”

The tragedy occurred March 3 during a birthday party in front of a residence on Second Street, where three gunmen killed four residents and injured seven others. After an extensive investigation, police arrested the suspects in May for the shooting and other crimes in the region.

Partida and Gurley were recognized Nov. 12 during a special award presentation at the regular meeting of the King City Council.

King City Police Detective Daisy Gurley (left) and Sgt. Joshue Partida receive the Medal of Commendation for their work in solving the quadruple homicide that occurred March 3 in King City. (KCPD)

“While they were officially recognized, it is important to note that they did not do it alone,” Hunt said.

Numerous law enforcement partners assisted in the months-long investigation, including: the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office; Monterey County District Attorney’s Office; police departments from Greenfield, Soledad, Gonzales, Salinas, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Seaside; State Department of Corrections; Department of Justice; Federal Bureau of Investigations; and the U.S. Marshall’s Service.

“Thank you all for your assistance, it is truly appreciated,” Hunt added.

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Ryan Cronk is the managing editor for King City Rustler and Salinas Valley Tribune, a unified publication of Greenfield News, Soledad Bee and Gonzales Tribune. He covers general news for South Monterey County and the surrounding communities.


  1. They did there job that’s what they are supposed to do why are so called public servants always honored for doing what is their job. Maybe these murders would not have happened if the PD was more effective.

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