51 F
King City
February 12, 2025

Tag: volunteers

Virtual luncheon discusses ways to make King City better

KING CITY ā€” King City Rotary Club and King City Chamber of CommerceĀ and Agriculture jointly hosted the 29th annual Beautification Week kickoff luncheon virtually...

Roses get much-needed trim at King Cityā€™s Robert Stanton Theater

KING CITY ā€” Volunteers from Sun Street Centers recently helped Southern Monterey County Center for the Performing Arts board members with some much-needed upkeep...

Sun Street Centers unveils mural, art show in King City

KING CITY ā€” Sun Street Centers hosted a ribbon cutting and art exhibition on June 2 at the King City facility in honor of...

Stuff the Bus kicks off with campaign in South Monterey County

SALINAS VALLEY ā€” Rotarians in King City hosted a Stuff the Bus kickoff on June 5 at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, which marked the...

Salinas Valley News Briefs | June 8, 2021

WEEDING VOLUNTEERS KING CITY ā€” King City in Bloom will host its next weed cleanup at the city park and around the recreation building in...

Salinas Valley News Briefs | May 24, 2021

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED GREENFIELD ā€” Food Bank for Monterey County and the City of Greenfield are asking for help from volunteers to distribute food to local...

Wreaths Across America visits King City

KING CITY ā€” A mobile educational exhibit from Wreaths Across America visited King City last Friday, during which more than 50 community members learned...

Volunteers sought for 2021-22 Monterey County Civil Grand Jury

MONTEREY COUNTY ā€” Superior Court of California for the County of Monterey is currently accepting applications from local citizens for membership on the 2021-22...

Volunteers help clean up litter around King City

KING CITY ā€” More than 50 volunteers attended King City in Bloomā€™s Earth Day Town-Wide Cleanup last Saturday morning, during which they were asked...

Salinas Valley News Briefs | April 23, 2021

EARTH DAY CLEANUP KING CITY ā€” King City in Bloom will host an Earth Day town-wide cleanup on April 24, from 8:30 to 10 a.m....

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