104 F
King City
September 7, 2024

Tag: Columnist

Window on the World Column | The Chaos That Can Be...

I recall so clearly the simplicity of the holidays when we were young. We would show up and be fed and presented with presents,...

Funny Papers Again Column | Celebrity Sightings in South County

One of the favorite questions posted on social media is ā€œWho is the most famous person you have ever met?ā€; or some derivative thereof....

Worthy to Print Column | Thankful for the Legion

If anyone knows me, they know that I am a veteran of the U.S. Army. I am proud to tell anyone that asks. I...

Funny Papers Again Column | If Fiction Were Real: A Study...

Below is what happens when a writer is somewhat confined to his immediate surroundings; that writer reads a lot of books and views a...

Worthy to Print Column | Bad to the Bone

Arenā€™t emotions the weirdest things? They can make you feel so good or bad depending on the situation. If you read my scribbling last...

Window on the World Column | The Adventures Continue

ā€œIā€™m a traveler,ā€ I brag, as people wow at my ability to whoosh through time zones without a care or jet-laggy attitude in the...

Funny Papers Again Column | Writing This Column Is a Pain...

One of the first things one learns when writing a column is that the title is important; words must be chosen that catch readersā€™...

Worthy to Print Column | Music to My Ears

A long time ago there used to be a fellow on television named Art Linkletter. He had a show on TV back when I...

Window on the World Column | A Rare and Crazy Adventure

It all begun in regular fashion. You are getting ready to go on a trip; so, therefore, things get really het up at work...

Funny Papers Again Column | Hello Cousin… And Cousin… And Cousin…

My landlord/roommate here in King City has a book that details the genealogy of early families in South Monterey County. He is a cousin...

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