KING CITY — King City Skate Park reopened with new ramps and obstacles several weeks ahead of schedule on May 3 at San Antonio Park.
The park’s renovation project was funded through a state grant for $150,000, and the design was developed with public input from youth that regularly utilize the facility. American Ramp Company installed the new features in just six days.
“We are thrilled at the completion of the San Antonio Skate Park project. It will be a safe, family-friendly place for all ages and abilities for many years to come,” said King City Recreation Coordinator Andrea Wasson. “This was the culmination of several years of planning, combined with available grant funding to build this new park project for the community.”
The next phase will be installation of solar-powered lights at the site to increase safety in the early evening, which will take place in mid-June.
A formal grand-opening ceremony is planned for Monday, June 21, at 5:30 p.m.
Sean Roney contributed to this article.