Ah, did I misspell any of those words? If you haven’t sent your vote in, please do so! I suppose you are wondering whom I am going to vote for. I mean, you know that I am a conservative and will be following my heart to get a Republican into office. Not just one office, but all the offices that are open to us.
You might ask why I am voting that way. Well, it started with Gen. Eisenhower. He was my hero who had destroyed the German machine and brought peace to the world. He came home from war and ran for President. My Pop voted for him and if he was good enough for my Pop, he was surely good enough for me. Of course, I couldn’t vote at that time, but if I could I would have given him my all.
We don’t have any heroes running for office in California. In fact, we only have a baseball player and a dedicated liar. Every time I say the word liar, I am reminded of this guy sitting up on the dais smiling into the camera telling the television audience that Trump was a pawn of Russia and he had the proof right there on his desk. Of course, he didn’t have any proof of anything, he was just lying to hear his own voice. Now, he is trying to become a senator for our beautiful state. He seems to not only be a liar, but he is proud of telling folks that he is a liar.
Let me tell you about how I came to despise liars. My dad was crippled from a very young age. He had to have a couple of inches of bone taken out of his left leg because of some infection that he got when a disc fell on his leg while changing the blades of the disc. Of course, he was working by himself in those days and he couldn’t get to the doctor in time. This has nothing to do with liars, but that came up after he married and had four boys that had to discover his hatred for liars as they grew up. His boys were raised in a household that did not tolerate even a small fib.
When he discovered one or more of his sons had told even a small lie, he felt it was up to him to eradicate this habit before they grew up. He could not imagine one of his sons telling a lie to anyone, but particularly to lie to him. The boys were all healthy and worked in the fields, so they were pretty strong and fast on their feet. When he did discover a falsehood from one of his offspring, he would sit on the edge of his bed and tell them to bring him a belt. Of course, when that happened it seemed as though there were no belts to be found.
When informed of this, he would ask if we wanted to have him find a belt. That was kind of asking if the condemned man wanted to give the shooter a bullet when he was to be executed. All of a sudden, there were all sorts of discoveries of belts found by his boys. We would have to stand in line to get our punishment one at a time, because he was not mobile enough for all of us to be punished at once. We would get a pop for each lie that was told. Looking back, it wasn’t truly a painful endeavor, he didn’t whip us hard enough to really hurt. The pain came from the fact that we had let him down.
Since corporal punishment had gone out of favor, we can’t spank our representatives, although that would be more appropriate punishment in some cases. I think there would be a lot fewer lies being told by these public servants. By the way, the lies told by Adam Schiff were found to be lies on top of more lies by the end of the investigation of out former President. I cannot get past how he laughs when speaking of his falsehoods. He seems so proud. Do you truly want to send this pathological liar back to Washington?
I’m not going to recommend either of the two applicants running for the Presidency on this go around. I have faith that if you have been watching all the television shows and doing your own research, you will find that one person is proud of her vote to withdraw our soldiers from Afghanistan, which was the greatest mistake our country has ever made, who has also followed the actions of a man who raised our prices on food and gas and just about every other item we use on a regular basis.
I’m sure you will make the right decision. Think about this: In the years of our government and the position of the Presidency, 92% of our presidents were politicians, 8% were former military men (generals to be exact) and one man was a business man. Whoops! I forgot about the man who okayed the dropping of an Atom Bomb that ended the Second World War. He was also a businessman. He often said he was just a haberdashery man.
What is our country if it is not a business? Just a little thought you might want to have. How many applicants can we send to Washington who are avowed liars? I was never a huge fan of Diane Feinstein, but that was because she was a Democrat, although a truthful one. I had nothing but admiration for her ability to help the folks of California and I’m sure she would be rolling over in her grave if she knew that Schiff was trying to take her place.
Voting is our privilege and responsibility. Please use your right to vote and do your duty.
God Bless.