SALINAS VALLEY — California Water Service (Cal Water) is helping to brighten the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday for hundreds of Salinas Valley families.
Through a program called Operation Gobble, Cal Water donated a total of $8,500 in gift certificates for the purchase of a turkey this year to local charities in its Salinas and King City service areas. Each family will receive an individual $20 certificate, which will be distributed through the charities.
“Cal Water is committed to improving the lives of those in the communities it serves, especially during hard times like the current period of inflation,” the utility company said in a news release. “These donations, given in partnership with local elected officials and nonprofits, are part of the utility’s philanthropic giving program and not paid for by ratepayers.”
Since its inception in 1988, Operation Gobble has fed hundreds of thousands of California families in need. Local legislators participate in the statewide program by recommending charities in their districts that can help with distribution.
“Thank you to California Water Service for their continued partnership,” said Monterey County Supervisor Chris Lopez on social media. “Cal Water’s Operation Gobble makes sure that those in need in our community don’t go without. I continue to be thankful for their programs and contributions that lift up our neighbors year round and during the holidays.”
This year’s local charities include: Food Bank for Monterey County, Sun Street Centers, Salinas Valley LULAC Council #2995, Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County, The Salvation Army of Salinas and King City, Dorothy’s Place, and Loaves and Fishes.
In addition, Cal Water presented a total of $13,500 in donations to the nonprofit organizations on Nov. 9 to assist with their charitable programs during the holiday season.