SALINAS VALLEY — Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley has kicked off the Annual “Wine Lovers” Drawing 2022, with proceeds benefiting its meal delivery program for homebound seniors in the area.
“It is crucial that we continue our fundraising efforts to assure that our homebound seniors are cared for and continue receiving their weekly meal deliveries,” said MOWSV Executive Director Regina Gage. “We ask for your support of our annual fundraiser, ‘Wine Lovers’ Drawing, as we rely on the generosity of our community to continue to support our mission.”
The annual drawing is a major fundraiser for Meals on Wheels, which is celebrating 50 years of serving seniors throughout the Salinas Valley in 2022. Since 1972, the organization has been delivering meals to senior residents who are homebound and cannot shop and cook for themselves.
Tickets can be purchased through May 26 by visiting mowsalinas.org, emailing in**@mo********.org to request an order form or calling the office at 831-758-6325.
The drawing to announce the lucky ticket winner will be held at the MOWSV headquarters, 40 Clark St., Suite C, in Salinas at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 26, and will be broadcast live on Facebook. Ticket holders do not need to be present to win.
Every ticket purchase has a chance to win a half wine barrel filled with wines, snacks and other items valued at more than $1,400.