43.5 F
King City
March 14, 2025

Women in agtech: Fatma Kaplan

Editorā€™s Note: The following profile is an excerpt from Amy Wuā€™s book, ā€œFrom Farms to Incubators: Women Innovators Revolutionizing How Our Food is Grown,ā€ which tells the stories of women entrepreneurs who are transforming agriculture through high technology. Fatma Kaplanā€™s advice to her younger self...

Salinas Valley News Briefs | June 1, 2021

NEW WILDFIRE BRADLEY ā€” Cal Fire reported a wildfire outside Bradley that had burned 1,100 acres and was 80% contained as of June 1. The fire at Wunpost Road and Sargent Canyon Road began May 30 with a cause under investigation. The Sargents Fire was...

Fort Hunter Liggett offers inside look during open house

JOLON ā€” More than 1,200 guests attended an open house at Fort Hunter Liggett earlier this month, during which attendees could view demonstrations of equipment, learn information about the army base located near Jolon and see historical vehicles. In addition to the open house on...

Lockwood teen wins best picture at Christian Youth Film Festival

LOCKWOOD ā€” Lockwood teen Abigail Reinstedt earned three awards during the 27th Annual Christian Youth Film Festival on May 2 in Bakersfield. The festival, hosted by Christian Youth Film Society, had 12 films entered. Reinstedtā€™s film, ā€œDesigning Lies,ā€ won Best Picture, Best Application of...

Yes, Steinbeck wrote a werewolf novel. Donā€™t expect to read it.

Nine years before John Steinbeck published his Pulitzer Prize-winning historical masterpiece, ā€œThe Grapes of Wrath,ā€ he was working on a lighthearted detective novel featuring a werewolf. The manuscript, ā€œMurder at Full Moon,ā€ was completed in 1930 but was never published. A single copy has been...

Salinas Valley cities plan for Memorial Day ceremonies

SALINAS VALLEY ā€” Memorial Day ceremonies will be impacted by Covid-19 health guidelines once again, with Greenfield and Gonzales hosting small ceremonies, King City only having a cemetery wreath drop-off and Soledad standing out with a ceremony on par with previous years. SOLEDAD ā€œSoledad has had...

Salinas Valley News Briefs | May 28, 2021

PALMA GRADUATIONS SALINAS ā€” Palma Junior High School will host an eighth-grade graduation Mass on the campus practice field, 919 Iverson St. in Salinas, on Friday, May 29, at 5 p.m. The Mass will be immediately followed by a graduation ceremony. On Sunday, May 30,...

Monterey County health experts address vaccine hesitancy as state launches incentive program

MONTEREY COUNTY ā€” Medical professionals from area hospitals discussed progress toward quelling the Covid-19 pandemic during Monterey Countyā€™s press briefing last week. Among the guest speakers at the May 19 briefing was family practice physician Dr. Joshua Deutsch from Mee Memorial Healthcare System, who spoke...

King City Rotary attends flea market

KING CITY ā€” Shoppers browsed various items at the King City Rotary Clubā€™s booth during the King City Flea Market on May 23, inside the Expo Building at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds. Rotaryā€™s annual flea market was canceled this year due to county health guidelines...

King City appoints Boyd as police chief

KING CITY ā€” Interim Police Chief Keith Boyd will become King Cityā€™s new chief of police beginning in June. According to City Manager Steve Adams, Boyd was appointed to lead the King City Police Department after an extensive recruitment, selection and background review process. This...

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