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Thanks for helping with King City Park project
I would like to thank The Rustler for the wonderful article highlighting the King City Rural 4-H club’s help in replanting the bulb-outs at the King City Park (“Rock Restoration,” Oct. 28, page A1). The kids did an amazing job and we hope to do many more projects with them.
Community participation and support are what helps keep King City in Bloom going strong. We quite literally couldn’t do it without the community’s help.
KCIB would also like to express our deepest thanks to Brad Hearne and TJ Plew. Brad made and donated the perfect, life-size metal animals to add to the area at the fairgrounds’ entrance on Canal Street. TJ was there all the way helping with the project and coordinating help with installation. Rick Grogan, along with staff from the SVF also lent their hand and knowhow to the project. KCIB just had to ask and they were there to help us.
A special thanks also needs to go out to Sun Street Centers. KCIB has been working closely with Sun Street Centers, which has volunteered countless hours to all of our projects. We could not be involved with so many projects without their enthusiastic and continued help and support.
This has been a difficult year, but KCIB is encouraged, inspired and thankful for all the help and support we receive from this community. Working together, we can do so much for our wonderful town. Thank you!
Marlise Uebelhart and King City in Bloom
King City