To the Editor:

As business owners and residents in King City, we are dedicated to helping this community reach its greatest potential. We began a fitness academy here and have made many friends along the way. It is undeniable to say that we consider King City our home.

Since moving to King City, we’ve seen many improvements. Most of which have been paid for by grants. King City is safer, more attractive and free of debt.

Despite these accomplishments, more improvements are still needed. Examples that are on the city’s unfunded priority list include: Buildings that require deferred maintenance, streets that need to be repaired and the necessity of another school resource officer.

There is a half-cent sales tax increase that is on the November ballot. If we pass the measure, there is a potential of adding an estimated $1.2 million a year for 12 years to the city budget. It is a fair tax because much of the sales tax is collected at the gas pumps. Therefore, quite a bit of the tax is paid for by travelers.

King City is on the low end of the scale for sales tax in the county. If this passes, it will put us on a par with the other towns in Monterey County.

I would recommend voting “yes” on Measure T for a half-cent sales tax increase for King City. Let’s keep our town moving forward.

Charlemagne and Kasey Tertulien
Kasey’s Fitness Academy, King City

Editor’s Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should include the writer’s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited for length, clarity and libel. Send letters via email to [email protected].

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