58.4 F
King City
October 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor | Different Views

To the Editor:

I appreciate that the Rustler has the good sense to carry two columnists who make the newspaper interesting. In today’s world, I think that is somewhat unusual. And I, along with others, would like to see this continue, good journalism.

Both are family men of advanced age, who write about their life experiences. Both have found a chance to love another person, and both have learned about sadness.

Yet, they are different enough that I open the Rustler to read their articles; sometimes even thought provoking, sometimes.

J.J. Burnes
King City

Editor’s Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should include the writer’s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited for length, clarity and libel. Send letters via email to [email protected].


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