KING CITY — Members from King City Rural 4-H have been restoring the parking lot planters at City of King Park.
The multi-week project began Oct. 17 with the planting of drought-tolerant plants, and has been done in collaboration with King City in Bloom and Sun Street Centers. The group started rock placement on Oct. 24.
Leaders Allie Cullen, Michelle Ferrari and Coleen Ewart were on site to supervise the youth, nearly 17 of whom were out at the park last Saturday. There, the 4-H members worked to complete the planter with some being part of the loading trips that picked up stones from Greenfield.
“We wanted to do something that inspired good citizenship,” Cullen said. “We decided to do these planters because they are close to the fairgrounds, which is where most of these kids spend a lot of time.”
The planting and rock laying was planned for the three planters in the parking lot, with multiple loads of rocks needed to fill the spaces.
“We’re going to keep going until it’s filled up,” Cullen said, adding that the work might need to extend to a third week to complete all the rock laying.
In addition to a donor providing the plants and a donor in Greenfield supplying the rocks, Cullen said the City of King was helpful in installing the water systems to keep the plants alive.