KING CITY — Casey Printing in King City will once again print the King City Rustler and Salinas Valley Tribune.
The community newspapers are both owned by New SV Media, which recently decided to switch to the local printer for its weekly publications, beginning with today’s issue.
“We’ve missed not being able to print it for quite a number of years and it’s wonderful to have them back,” said Richard Casey, one of the family owners of Casey Printing. “It’s good for subscribers and advertisers and everybody because it’s right here in town.”
Casey characterized the printing partnership as being similar to the Rustler “coming home.”
The Caseys had owned the newspapers during the 1900s, starting with the Rustler’s founding in 1901 by Fred Vivian. The company stayed in the family and later, Harry Casey purchased the Greenfield News from Irwin Coffey in 1961 and the Soledad Bee from Ben and Margaret Jacobsen in 1967. They added the Gonzales Tribune to the group in 1973.
In 1995, the Caseys sold the papers to News Media Corporation, while the family continued a printing business in King City. New SV Media acquired the four South Monterey County newspapers in July 2019. Three of the papers — the Tribune, Bee and News — were combined this past April to form Salinas Valley Tribune, a unified publication for the Salinas Valley region.
“Casey Printing is an integral part of the papers’ history, and we’re thrilled to have them back as our place of printing,” said Publisher Jeanie Johnson.
This new deal continues New SV Media as publisher of the area newspapers, but Casey Printing will take care of the printing operations.
“We’re very happy to be doing it again and we missed it,” Casey said.
Casey Printing also prints catalogs, magazines, directories, brochures, tabloids, booklets, coupon books and other printed products.