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King City
October 18, 2024

Tag: Steve Wilson

Funny Papers Again Column | Ringo and Sara and Lisa and...

There is something about eye contact that lets two people know that for just a split second, just a flicker of time, there has...

Funny Papers Again Column | An Anonymous Donor and Familiar Dairyman...

Any opinion columnist, or letter writer, whose words appear in public is aware that there could be repercussions either laudatory in nature or quite...

Funny Papers Again Column | What Stories Lie Beneath the Stones?

I like cemeteries. That is not a ghoulish statement, or at least not meant to be. A cemetery is a walk through history, both...

Funny Papers Again Column | Some Old and New on a...

I ventured up to Greenfield the other day with the intent of doing a quick scan of Oak Avenue and El Camino Real where...

Funny Papers Again Column | One Attraction Not Seen at the...

Well, folks, I finally, after two aborted attempts in past years, made it to Dealy Plaza to visit the place where President Kennedy was...

Funny Papers Again Column | How I Later Became a Sooner

If I ever again contemplate air travel, it will only be because I have lost all sensibilities and am probably living in a room...

Funny Papers Again Column | Let Your Grad and My Grad...

Last week I submitted a few words regarding seniors who are on their way to higher education, with an addendum about financing college after...

Funny Papers Again Column | The First Financial Footing for Those...

On a Monday evening nine days ago, I was one of many who participated in an event I consider the best thing we do...

Funny Papers Again Column | An Honorable Opportunity for Greenfield Students

I remember when the wall speaker above Mr. Spears desk made that squawking, scratchy noise it made just before a voice came over and...

Funny Papers Again Column | To the Two NCs: Come Get...

This is notice to Ronna and Jaime: Hit me with your best shots; convince me with actions not words. In fact, now that I...

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