104 F
King City
September 7, 2024

Tag: Columnist

Worthy to Print Column | Do Your Own Research

Iā€™m not a doctor. I donā€™t even play one on television. However, I have gained a little medical information lately about specific medical maladies...

Funny Papers Again Column | Row, Row, Row Your Boat Gently...

At the present moment I am, to put it poetically, ā€œfar from the madding crowd,ā€ I donā€™t even know who is headed to the...

Worthy to Print Column | Just Write About It

Iā€™m sure you remember that my bride and I invited her mother to come live with us. It was a very fortunate gesture on...

Window on the World Column | The Atmospheric River

I love this time of year, when the ā€œstorm windowā€ opens, the water possibilities increase ten-fold and the population of our desiccated West Coast...

Funny Papers Again Column | KCHS Swag and Cringe: Kudos and...

What? You donā€™t know the present use of the words ā€œswagā€ and ā€œcringeā€? Well, I didnā€™t either until I read it in context in...

Worthy to Print Column | 33 Years and Counting

Thirty-three years. I started to just put the numbers on the page, but no matter whether you spell it out or use the numbers,...

Window on the World Column | Olive and Mabel, Mary and...

During the last several months of Covid ā€” or the ongoing lifetime of this pandemic, depending on how you feel about it ā€” people...

Funny Papers Again Column | All the Worldā€™s a Stage, and...

I recently mentioned to my boss Ryan that Funny Papers Again seemed be leaning more to light stuff rather than some of the heavier...

Worthy to Print Column | Time for Confession

This is confession time. We columnists sometimes have difficulties coming up with an article that will be enjoyed by you, the reader. Something on...

Window on the World Column | Tomorrow Is Not Promised

The last time I saw him he was sitting in his favorite bar in Las Vegas with a large cold one beside him and...

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