KING CITY — King City in Bloom recently collaborated with Sun Street Centers to paint four baseball-themed murals on the Snack Shack at City Park.
“It was a long-awaited project since the rainy season kept postponing the completion,” said Allie Cullen, chair of King City in Bloom (KCIB).
Located at Division Street and South Vanderhurst Avenue, the King City park features the Tognetti Field — home of King City Little League. The new murals recognize the youth sports program and include a baseball player at bat and a flaming baseball on the sides of the Snack Shack building.
Mural designers were Jeremy Cabrera and Rob Guajardo. A small crew of volunteers, including Ulyses Barrios, Brian Valdez and Tessa Rava, helped the designers paint the murals, which were finished on Sept. 30.
Cullen and fellow King City in Bloom members Marlise Uebelhart, Kim Schmidt and Phoebe Cheney came up with the idea for the murals at the park.
“King City in Bloom would like to thank the Knights of Columbus and Jack Harbin construction for painting the entire building,” Cullen said. “KCIB would also like to thank Southern Monterey County Foundation for the grant that helped fund the murals.”